ArcFM Desktop > ArcFM > Feeder Manager > Which Feeder Manager should I use? > Configure Feeder Manager 2.0 From Scratch > Step 12: Check database permissions |
Feeder Manager 2.0 contains a variety of validation rules that users can assign to ensure the correctness of their data. These include the Loops, Multifeeds, and De-energized features rules. These validation rules work only with edge and junction features that participate in an electric geometric network configured for Feeder Manager 2.0.
If one of your feature classes is configured to use either the MultiFeeds or Loops QA/QC rule, but users rather it wasn't applied to certain, individual features belonging to that class, ArcMap users can set individual features to ignore this rule.
To do so, ArcMap users can right-click individual features in the ArcFM Attribute Editor and select QA/QC Disable Options. For this functionality to work correctly, you must ensure that any such user has permission to write to the MM_QAQC table in your database.